Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Importance of Healthy Eating!

There are many long term and short term benefits to eating healthy.
1. It helps support growth
As teenagers, we are at a point in our life where we are growing rapidly, and in order to sustain that growth, we need to eat healthy foods. The foods we eat provide our body with crucial vitamins and minerals such as calcium, zinc, iron, vitamin A and C and much more. Our food also provides us with important daily nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, sugars, proteins, and so forth. Therefore, if teenagers aren't eating healthy, they are missing out on all of these nutritional values that support healthy growth and development.
2. Energy
Because teenagers are so active being involved in school, sports, etc., we need a lot of energy to keep us going. Athletic teens especially need energy so that during sports they don't wear out and get tired too quickly. In order to get this vital energy needed to stay up and going, teens need to eat healthy. If we are eating the right foods fit to our lifestyle then we can get the right amount of energy needed for whatever we are doing, whether it's sports, school, or just everyday life.
3. Prevents diseases
If we eat healthy now, it can prevent diseases and medical complications now and for the future. Eating healthy helps prevent against heart disease, obesity, high cholesterol, and more. We tend to think that what we do and eat now won't effect us in the future, but in fact it does. All of our food we eat effects our chance of having health problems ow and later in life.

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