Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Caloric Intake

1. Age
Because we are teenagers we're growing a lot right now compared to when we were younger and not going through such a dramatic growth spurt. Therefore, our caloric intake increases because of the amount of energy our body is using simply by just growing.

2. Weight/ height
Weight and height play a big role in the amount of our caloric intake. Obviously, a teenager that is quite big in body mass whether it's mostly fat or mostly muscle is going to need to intake more calories in order to provide enough energy for their whole body compared to a thin little girl that's half their size. Height also plays a role because of the same concept. The amount of body mass correlates with the amount of daily caloric intake.

3. Gender

Gender plays a big role in caloric intake. First of all, girls are generally smaller then guys, so their caloric intake is less. A teenage girl generally doesn't use up the same amount of energy as a teenage boy because girls are generally smaller, less active, and not growing at such a rapid pace compared to teenage boys therefore their caloric intake varies.

4.Amount of exercise
Amount of exercise is also an important factor when it comes to caloric intake. People who are less active will have a smaller daily caloric intake compared to a very active person simply because they are not using up as much energy. When we work out and push our body, it uses up a lot of energy and so we eat in order to replenish the body's energy. Therefore a less active person doesn't need to replenish as much energy compared to a very active person.

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