Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Carbohydrates are composed from sugar, and starches, and is scientifically recognized as "H20 + C". Carbohydrates supply the body with the main energy source. They support the functioning in our nervous system, muscles, and internal organs. The recommended intake of carbohydrates depends on a one's activity level, age, gender, and height. One can receive their carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans. There are, however, ways people can take in "bad" or unhealthy, and limited carbohydrates. For example, sugar should be eaten moderately, otherwise it will become disturbing for the body to process these kinds of carbohydrates. Other "limited carbohydrates" include cookies, cakes, soda. These are also known as "simple carbs," and have a negative effect on blood sugar levels and mood.

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